Monday, February 7, 2011

The Crucible - Summary

The Crucible by Arthur Miller was a play written during the Salem Witch Trials. In the play, a married man names John Proctor and a young girl named Abigail williams engaged in adultery, a sin of passion. More so John then Abligail. When they finally get caught, Abigail loses her lover and immediately wants him back. This causes her to not only seek revenge on him but ultimately seek revenge on those who get in her way. Abigail starts calling witchery out on many innocent people. She is believed because she has a group of girls that follow her everywhere and play along with her lies. Abigail and her little pack continue to do this until the lives of many people are either taken or ruined, including John's. John, however, did not want his name to be dishonored, and with that, he chose death over allowing others to believe he once practiced witchery.

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